New Features Avril 2019 (1)

BIM Track May 2019 release

May 01, 2019 3 min. read

Our May release brings significant usability improvements to the BIM Track web platform & viewer, introduces @ mentions for users and teams, and a new way to filter issue/clash pinpoints in the web viewer and Navisworks, based on view sectioning.

Online viewer issue list improvements

We’ve recently been focused on developing our add-ins. Now we’re bringing some of the same functionality you know and love to our web platform and viewer.

Create live links between issues and models by tagging them with the discipline attribute.  Users can now update issues straight from the issues list in the web viewer, and all the functionalities you’ve grown to expect from our add-ins such as the ability to add viewpoints, archive and more, now exist in the web viewer. Please note that for this inter-web viewer/web issue profile functionality to work, you’ll need to tag your new and existing models by discipline, as well as the subsequent issues.

We’ve added a couple of extra features for quick navigation too.  If you click view in model, it takes you to the issue, but keeps the issues list on the side. This is a great way to rapidly review issues. If you need the full issue attributes, just click on the title and you’ll be able to see the issue in full on the left and the model. We also added a few display modes for the issue list in the viewer (compact grid & hybrid thumbnail cards).

Interactive filtering of clash/issue pinpoints

Filtering clash or issue pinpoints can be a bit tedious. You can now filter clash/issue pinpoints based on their location and refine the issues list accordingly in both the web viewer and Navisworks. This makes it easier to review issues by each level, or a chosen section of the model on the fly. In the web viewer, you can use the clipping plane tool and select “Filter issue list based on clipping”. In Navisworks, you can move the sectioning tools across your models.

@ Mentions

You will now be able to @ mention users and teams that have pending action items and send them an email. In any BIM Track add-in or in the web viewer, you can now begin typing ‘@’, and a list of users and teams involved with that issue will automatically start filling.  

Please note that this feature is a one-time alert to drive action; the issue attribute “Notify” should be used to keep users and teams apprised of all updates to the issue. Email notifications contain links that take you straight to the issue on the web viewer. Learn more in our help center article. Please note that this feature cannot be muted.

Improved Revit 2D to 3D issue conversion

Issues raised in 2D views in Revit, such as section, elevation and callout views, as well as sheets, can be retrieved in 3D, even if that 2D sheet gets deleted down the line. We do the math and you will fall back on a 3D view with the exact same view range and camera orientation.

Not using BIM Track yet? Get started for free today and play with our latest improvements.

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Buzzfeed-style rundown of the 11 moments that stopped our clients in their tracks. Find out what they are and how they will make your BIM coordination life easier.

April 16, 2019 9 min. read

“I tried BIM Track once. But when I hit , I got nothing.” This sentence is the surest way to break our BIM Track hearts. Is it because our software is terrible? No. It’s because this problem boils down to the dreaded SHARED COORDINATES. In this blog post, we are going to share our best practices for sharing coordinates across your models in Revit.